Sunday 5 July 2015

i choose to obey God rather than man...

This is nothing new, the legalization of gay marriages worldwide, it's refusal by some and it's acceptance by so many others. Here's the recent news as regarding the final approval and legalization of of gay marriages by an American court. A clerk in person of Linda Barnette who in time past have issued several marriage certificate to couples, resigned her job stating that she can no longer fulfill her duties as clerk by issuing certificates to same sex couples. Hmm... this is a serious one, i as an individual believes, we should stand for what we believe in. what your opinion of this decision she made? 
              "In the coming days, i believe Christians will be forced to abandon their jobs in public service. Those who remain will be targeted with lawsuits and investigations from the activists". What the certainty in this statement. Is there a truth to what she said.

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