Tuesday 30 June 2015

Racial discrimination or self-esteem

A young boy went to high school amongst white kids. He is the only pupil with a black skin in his class. He felt left out and thus isolated himself from every pupil in school like he did in grade school. They tried getting close by been friendly but he gave a cold response that stated; stay away. He walked to school to and fro alone. He had a black friend, a class ahead of his but lost that friendship to his coldness. A contest for the best essay was assigned individually to every student. The teacher requested a topic be pick by choice. This will be presented a week from now; she said. This young pupil wanted so badly to write on different colors as an essay but he perceived himself not a good writer. Two days later after much research, he sat by the convenience door at school, repeatedly saying words to himself. Words he couldn't put in writing nor was sure they were accurate. He didn't make effort to do so as he felt he wasn't good enough. Claire is good at this, so is myle's, he said to himself. A young white girl who stood quietly listening to his every word was impressed and offered to help with the paper work. He yielded but immediately refused bluntly. He turned around to take his leave when the little girl said; We are indeed of a different skin color, states, country and of different opinion but it doesn't define who we are as a person. She paused for a while and said I'm mixed remember, how would you define me.
       For a moment, the words seemed familiar, he struggled with his thought as he walked by the train station. Eureka!!!. They were words he had heard indeed from his teacher while in grade school. He remembered Mr Larry trying to get close, but he never let him. This was happening again for a third time. Essay presentation finally pulled through, every essay came with a message. They were essay's on encouragement, laughter, love , hope, togetherness etc. Unfortunately, he had nothing to say, he was dumbfounded and embarrassed. At that moment, he wished the very ground on which he stood would open up and swallow him before the white kids begin a mockery show of him. To his greatest surprise, the reverse was the case, his thoughts where not the reality he anticipated. At the sight of this, he recognized...What exactly was his problem, racial discrimination or self-esteem.
    The goal in this story is not to shed light on racial discrimination, it's indeed as old as man. The goal is to bring to our awareness, discrimination tendencies inherent in us beyond been black or white.

Risk: breaking new ground.

  Good morning beautiful growing generation. I hope we all are set to soar beyond limit and shine brightly without comprehension. Indeed, but staying true to yourself, true to your generation and true to what you believe in, is the ultimate.
No one ever conquered himself, herself or the world without taking risks. Risk to some great minds is part of our life journey. I say risk is life, it is a turn around for success. ''To laugh is to risk appearing a fool, to weep is to risk appearing sentimental. To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self. To reach out to another is to risk involvement, to love is to risk not been loved in return. To hope is to risk despair, to try is to risk failure.'' Been awake this morning was a risk you took last night by sleeping. You never feared not waking up. That is a greater risk for life, be thankful. You don't want to risk a little, chances are you don't want a great success. Remember, amateurs built the ark, little David defeated Goliath, Nelson Mandela risked going to prison for 27 years, Thomas Edison failed countless times but never gave up.
     What are you willing to have today. What job interview are you scared to attend. What is it that you desire but unwilling to take the risk. These times may look hard, impossible, hopeless but they would pass, don't avoid it, learn from it. ''The greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing and the person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing and is nothing. Only a person who risks is free. The pessimist complain about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sail". Conquer your fears, playing it safe isn't success guaranteed. Today is a good day to take a step, go break new grounds, it would be worth it.